Wednesday, September 03, 2008

a riddle...

If I came up with the idea, wrote the script, provided the information, scheduled the shoots, coordinated the people and places, and did the driving to the shoots, and paid to have the project overnighted to the contest…

He filmed the stuff and did the editing (with my help) on his computer. He burned the DVD’s.

What would my title in the credits be? What about his?

Don’t get me wrong, there is absolutely NO WAY the project could have been done without what he did. I don’t have the equipment, nor the technical knowledge. I AM NOT TRYING TO BE-LITTLE HIS PART IN THIS!! No way, no how!! I just wanted to know how it should be listed on the project!

1 comment:

SheBear said...

I think he'd be listed as the director and you'd be the producer....??